Local Government Program – Deadline Extension Update
Please join us for a webinar to learn more about the FL CARES Act Local Government Program extension. In this webinar, we will cover items such as:
- Local government program updates
- Process for opting into the deadline extension
- Deadline extension timeline
- Q&A session
The webinar series will be hosted on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 from 3-4:15pm EST. Please use the following link to register for the webinar series https://hornellp.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oy8clkxaS3iyNeQEqU7csQ
The video recording for the January 20th webinar is below. Additionally, you may download a PDF of the webinar PowerPoint by following this link.
Local Government Program – Weekly Briefings
A series of webinars were held to provide more information about the FL CARES Act Local Government Program. In the weekly briefings, we covered items such as:
- Recap and overview of the Coronavirus Relief Funds (“CRF”) guidance
- Eligible and ineligible expenditures
- Local Government Program overview
- Overview of the system that will be used as the system of record
- How to submit a Request for Reimbursement (RFR) in FLCARES system
- Best practices for submitting RFRs (e.g., narratives, supporting documentation, etc.)
- Q&A session for eligibility questions
The webinar series was hosted each Tuesday in October and November from 1-2:15pm EST.
The video recording for the October 6th webinar is below. Additionally, you may download a PDF of the webinar PowerPoint by following this link.
The video recording for the October 13th webinar is below. Additionally, you may download a PDF of the webinar PowerPoint by following this link.
The video recording for the October 20th webinar is below. Additionally, you may download a PDF of the webinar PowerPoint by following this link.
The video recording for the October 27th webinar is below. Additionally, you may download a PDF of the webinar PowerPoint by following this link.
The video recording for the November 3rd webinar is below. Additionally, you may download a PDF of the webinar PowerPoint by following this link.
The video recording for the November 10th webinar is below. Additionally, you may download a PDF of the webinar PowerPoint by following this link.
The video recording for the November 17th webinar is below. Additionally, you may download a PDF of the webinar PowerPoint by following this link.
The video recording for the November 24th webinar is below. Additionally, you may download a PDF of the webinar PowerPoint by following this link.
The video recording for the December 1st webinar is below. Additionally, you may download a PDF of the webinar PowerPoint by following this link.
The video recording for the December 8th webinar is below. Additionally, you may download a PDF of the webinar PowerPoint by following this link.